How Can CIOs Avoid Wasting Their Budget?
CIOs need to take a careful look at where their budget is being spent in order to determine if they are meeting the needs of the company
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs need to take a careful look at where their budget is being spent in order to determine if they are meeting the needs of the company
CIOs have always known that having a diverse IT department was a good thing and now the rest of the company is starting to realize the same thing
Right now every CIO seems to be talking about the customer experience (CX). What CIOs have been told is that if you don’t get customer experience right, you may leave yourself vulnerable to competitors who do. However, CIOs who focus only or mostly on customers are forgetting something just as important: the employee experience (EX) … Read more
Having the CIO job at Pandora would put you right in the middle of a busy and challenging market. Streaming music is very hot right now and there are a lot of different companies that are involved in the market. This all means that there is a lot of competition. Pandora is one of those … Read more
When it comes to management, things are actually pretty easy. You have people who work for you, they need to do what you tell them to do or you’ll fire them. End of story. However, then there is that pesky leadership thing. I view management as being something that your staff does while you are … Read more
Times have been tough for United airlines in the past. There was that event where a passenger was removed from a flight forcibly and everyone filmed it and put it on social media. A bit before that the airline had had to delay 500 of their flights because of a second glitch in two weeks … Read more
When you talk to the person with the CIO job and ask them what magic power they would like to have, right after the ability to fly you’ll more often than not hear that they’d like to be able to predict the future. The ability to peer into the future and know today what’s going … Read more
Joel Manfredo was the CTO of Orange County, California a while ago. When he first came into office, he discovered what most CIOs discover when they start their job: he had a lot of problems on his hands that had nothing to do with the importance of information technology. The Orange County IT department provides … Read more
It can be a long and lonely journey through a recession for anyone, including CIOs. The company’s very survival may be at stake, the CIO’s job may be at risk, and of course there is that big unanswered question about what needs to be done to prepare for life AFTER the recession is over. Maybe … Read more