Is It Time To Change The IT Department?
CIOs need to consider if their IT department should be broken up and moved out into the different business units throughout the company
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs need to consider if their IT department should be broken up and moved out into the different business units throughout the company
CIOs have always known that having a diverse IT department was a good thing and now the rest of the company is starting to realize the same thing
One of the biggest challenges that the person with the CIO job has is that the department that they are responsible for is more often than not viewed as being a cost center. What this means is that the IT department spends and spends and spends and never seems to actually bring in any money. … Read more
You would think that the more alliances that your company / IT department makes with other firms, then the better that they would become at making them. After all, practice makes perfect – doesn’t it? It turns out that this is not always the case. Koen Heimeriks has spent time studying 200 firms that had … Read more