How CIOs Can Position The IT Department For Success

The CIO needs to guide the IT department to success

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the IT department is successful. In order to do that, you need to be able to lead the department in the right direction in order to realize the importance of information technology. What this means is that you have to plan, … Read more

How The Nutrisystem CIO Turned The Company Around

Nutrisystem had the data, they just didn't know what to do with it

Just a few years ago, the weight loss company Nutrisystem was in a bad place. A combination of events had resulted in a decrease in sales. The global recession along with more competition in the weight loss market had resulted in sales and profits declining for several years. Clearly something had to be done. The … Read more

Just Exactly How Much Of A Risk Are Hacks?

Hackers are coming. Will you be ready?

Based on what we’ve all be reading in the newspaper and seeing online, I think that it’s pretty clear that anyone who is aware of the importance of information technology knows that Cybersecurity is a big priority for the person with the CIO job. The number of hacks of companies has been on the rise … Read more

What Can A CIO Do About The Problem Of Airline Overbooking?

Times have been tough for United airlines in the past. There was that event where a passenger was removed from a flight forcibly and everyone filmed it and put it on social media. A bit before that the airline had had to delay 500 of their flights because of a second glitch in two weeks … Read more

Big Data Means 5 Big Problems For CIOs

If you pick up just about any IT magazine these days, you’ll see that everyone seems to have decided that we are now living in the age of “big data”. No data set is too large to be processed by your IT department. The rest of the company now understands the importance of information technology … Read more

Should CIOs Use Contests To Get The Job Done?

Let’s face it: there are some problems that an IT department faces that despite the importance of information technology are just tough to solve. As the person in the CIO job you’ve got to find solutions to these types of problems, but you also have to manage the time and the cost that it’s going … Read more

Big Data Means Big Headaches For CIOs

One of the things that makes having the CIO job different today from how it was in the past, besides the growing awareness of the importance of information technology, is the arrival of so-called “big data”. We’re talking about terabytes or even petabytes of data and all of the headaches that come along with it. … Read more

You’ve Got The Data, Now What CIO?

As CIO, a big part of your job is to help your company realize the importance of information technology and, based on this, help them to both collect and store data. Once you have it, you need to scrub it, maintain it, and protect it. However, has anyone every told you how to do the … Read more

Practical Analytics: What A CIO Needs To Know

Every CIO knows that analytics is all the rage in almost every company now and has almost become a part of the definition of information technology. The CEO has been reading those magazine articles that say now that databases have grown large enough to hold virtually every piece of data that the company collects and … Read more

CIO’s Have The Data, But Where’s The Analytics?

If there is one word in the IT Sector that is hot, hot, hot these days it’s analytics. It seems as though it has almost become a part of the definition of information technology. Everyone and their mother’s uncle seems to be saying that analytics is the next great thing that is going to transform … Read more