European CIOs Come Under Fire When Their Systems Fail
European stock exchange CIOs have had a series of outages that have halted stock trading and are now thinking about creating a consolidated tape
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
European stock exchange CIOs have had a series of outages that have halted stock trading and are now thinking about creating a consolidated tape
Wells Fargo is a bank who has allowed its technology to fall behind and now has to come up with ways to catch up
If you were the CIO of a major bank responsible for the importance of information technology, what do you think that your #1 job responsibility would be? If you are guessing “keep the bank’s systems secure” then good news, you’d be close, but you’d still be missing the point. It turns out that a bank’s … Read more
When outsiders think about what a CIO does, they often think that we spend our days sitting around thinking about all of the cool new technology that is coming our way: cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. However, what they all too often don’t realize is that the person with the CIO job is … Read more
When we think about the person who has the CIO job, we think of someone who spends their time thinking about the importance of information technology including such things as cloud computing, building new data centers, and the arrival of the internet of things. However, when it comes to airlines, their CIOs are spending their … Read more
The person with CIO job faces many different challenges during their career. One of the biggest is one that is completely out of their control – when their company decides to merge with another company. When companies decide to merge, the senior management often make many promises to the press and shareholders of how much … Read more
If you’ve taken the time to read any of the IT trade rags in the past year or so, you’ve seen a story that tells you how wonderful “the cloud” is and how it has become a key part of the importance of information technology. In fact, if you’ve read enough of these articles, you … Read more
The person with the CIO job needs to understand that his or her company is under constant attack. Yes, some of the attacks come from hostile hackers who are always probing your company’s IT defenses trying to find a way in; however, we must not forget the impact that severe weather can have on the … Read more
Stock exchanges are challenging businesses to run. The people who use stock exchanges, stock traders, banks, brokers, etc. move very fast. The phrase “time is money” was invented to describe these people. They have a desperate need to be able to communicate with other people in a very rapid and very reliable way. Literally millions … Read more
In a perfect world, IT systems would always work and they would always work correctly. However, we don’t live in that perfect world. What this means for CIOs is that glitches happen. It’s our job to minimize them, but we’ll never be able to eliminate them completely. We’re always going to have to come up … Read more