Do you want to be the CIO someday (or are you already one and just want to know how you can hold on to your job?) Do you have a mentor who is guiding you through those tough decisions that you have to make?
We’d all like to become CIO some day and once we’re there, we’d like to know what we’d need to do in order to hang on to that job. To make this happen, we need to find a way to become good at IT leadership. It’s not easy when you realize that the top job in IT requires a combination of so many different things – technical knowledge, marketing skills, and sales smoothness. How can you learn what you need to know?
The Accidental Successful CIO Newsletter is what you need. Above and beyond what you find in The Accidental Successful CIO blog, the newsletter delivers the practical tips and skills that you’ll need in order to get ready to become the CIO. You’ll be able to put what you learn here to use right away.
The newsletter is free and you can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address is safe with us – we don’t spam and we’ll never sell it. Go ahead and take the first step in securing the future that you want – subscribe to The Accidental Successful CIO Newsletter…
As just a small token of my appreciation, I’d like to provide you with a free copy of “CIO Career Secrets Guide“. This 30-page report is packed with real-life stories and examples of just what you need to do in order to eventually become (an stay) the CIO.
It’s available in both both a PDF file and an MP3 audio version — you’ll be able to download whichever one you want (or both!).
Hurry up – subscribe now!