How CIOs Can Prepare For The “Network Generation” Of Workers
CIOs have to prepare for the arrival of Gen Z workers who will be the most networked workers who have ever entered into the workplace
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs have to prepare for the arrival of Gen Z workers who will be the most networked workers who have ever entered into the workplace
CIOs need to understand that working remotely is here to stay and they need to work with their workers in order to find ways to remove obstacles that cause friction
CIOs need to understand that their workers care very much about having flexible schedules and they need to find ways to accommodate this need
CIOs that want to get a true evaluation of a candidate need to get feedback from people who have worked with them
CIOs need to understand that the company’s older workers may be struggling with IT technology changes and we need to take steps to help them
CIOs need to realize that working remotely can take a toll on workers and so we have to make an effort to find ways to do a better job of including them
CIOs who want the most out of their workers need to understand that the people who most need mentoring probably won’t be the ones requesting it
CIOs need to understand that in the post pandemic hybrid office world they need to make adjustments to how their workers are paid
CIOs who understand that diversity is the key to creating an effective IT department need to take steps to make sure that women don’t leave
CIOs who had their workers work from home during the pandemic are considering allowing their workers to work fewer hours per week.