How CIOs Can Ensure That They Will Have A Fulfilling Career

CIOs have to make investments in order to feel fulfilled

In order to be a successful CIO who has a long career dealing with the importance of information technology, you are going to have to take steps to make sure that you truly love what you are doing. What we have to realize is that we can’t rest on the things that we have already … Read more

Are You Creating A Toxic Culture In The IT Department?

CIOs are responsible for the culture that they make in the IT department

Just by being the person with the CIO job you change things. Your department looks up to you for guidance in how they are supposed to behave. What a lot of people in the CIO position don’t realize is that within the IT department, all the way down the line of command, people are watching … Read more

How Can A CIO Make His Or Her Company Cybersafe?

Employees know that there is danger bu they still make mistakes

One of the most important jobs that the person with the CIO job is asked to do is to secure the company’s networks because of the importance of information technology. The good news is that the tools that are available to do this are always getting better and better. The bad news is that the … Read more

What’s The Best Way For Women CIOs To Network?

What do Women CIOs need to do in order to network?

If you are a woman, becoming CIO can be a significant challenge. However, once you are able to achieve this goal, that is when the real work starts. As CIO, you need to take the time to network in order to both maintain your position and be effective. However, networking is much harder for women … Read more

CIOs Start To Become Leaders In Their Firms

CIOs need to get ready to be leaders when it comes to big challenges

The role of the CIO in the company has been an ever evolving position. The people with the CIO job first started out as simply being caretakers for the IT equipment that the company had purchased because of the importance of information technology. This role evolved into more of a strategic partner role for the … Read more

Should The CIO View The CMO As Friend Or Foe?

If there is one fact of life that everyone who has the CIO job has had to learn to deal with, it’s that our IT budgets never seem to be big enough. However, it turns out that there is someone else in the company who does not have the same problem: the CMO. In fact, … Read more

Video: IT Value How To Measure The Revenue Of IT

We all know that IT provides value to the rest of the company, but how much value? That’s the question that CIOs are always trying to answer. Dr. Jim Anderson tackles this issue by taking a look at what HP’s former CIO Randy Mott did. It turns out that he found a way to solve … Read more

CIOs Know That Trial By Fire Is The Best Way To Pick New IT Leaders

I’ve got some bad news for all of you CIOs out there: it turns out that 25% of the best workers in the IT department are planning on leaving within the next 12 months. Not to depress you even more, but it turns out that those internal job change programs that you have perhaps created … Read more

New Ways For CIOs To Keep The Staff That You Have

First the bad news: it turns out that 25% of the best workers in the IT department are planning on leaving within the next 12 months. Do I have your attention now? Not to depress you even more, but it turns out that those internal job change programs that are intended to develop the next … Read more

Why Do None Of The Other Kids Want To Play With The CIO?

Just imagine that amazing moment in the future when you finally become the CIO! Now imagine yourself all alone – none of the other “C” level executives want to play with you. What’s going on here? Not An Equal Among Peers Something is seriously wrong in the world of CIOs. In most companies they are … Read more