How IT and Business Can Work Together To Benefit The Customer

IT and business need to work together

CIOs need to ask themselves why should the business and IT collaborate? Perhaps a better question is why wouldn’t they collaborate? We need to understand that business units like sales, marketing, and operations have direct interactions with customers that are enabled or empowered by technology — technology that’s typically managed and deployed by IT. CIOs … Read more

CIOs Have To Learn To Invest In IT In Order For Their Company To Succeed

Investing In IT is what it will take to make your company successful

Investing In IT is what it will take to make your company successful Image Credit: Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash As the person with the CIO job, it is your responsibility to provide your company with guidance on how they can be successful. In order to be able to provide good advice, what we need … Read more

What CIOs Need To Know About Negotiating Better Deals

It turns out that too much negotiating can be bad for a CIO

Let’s face it, one of the most important jobs that a CIO does is to negotiate deals. No matter if we are dealing with outside vendors or internal departments, it sure seems as though because of the importance of information technology a great deal of our time is taken up with trying to get the … Read more

How CIOs Can Use Words To Boost Their Power And Credibility

As the person with the CIO job, because of the importance of information technology your company expects a great deal from you. However, if you have not managed to gather the power and the credibility that you are going to need in order to successfully accomplish your job, then it’s going to be very hard … Read more

The CIO Has To Know What Innovation Really Looks Like

As the person with the CIO job, you are probably under a lot of pressure to have your IT department be more innovative. CEOs everywhere are telling the press that in order for their company to be successful, innovation is going to have to happen within the company. This is all fine and good, I … Read more

New Name For CIOs: Strategic Execution Officer

In order to complete in a global economy that is moving faster every day, more and more firms are committing to implementing those really BIG process digitization projects. More often than not the CIO will find himself / herself in charge of not only the implementation of the new software application, but also the overall … Read more

Why Don’t IT Alliances Work Out?

You would think that the more alliances that your company / IT department makes with other firms, then the better that they would become at making them. After all, practice makes perfect – doesn’t it? It turns out that this is not always the case. Koen Heimeriks has spent time studying 200 firms that had … Read more

How To Drive An IT Department Into The Ground

You can go just about anywhere on the web or in your local bookstore and find ways to make your IT department a success. However, clearly this is not an easy thing to do when you take a moment to consider how much time that we spend trying to be successful. What’s missing from all … Read more

Are CIOs Looking Down When They Should Be Looking Up?

Rob Preston over at Information Week was talking about some interesting CIO studies that were done recently and what they show is that it looks like CIOs are not spending their time where they should be. As the U.S. (and the rest of the world!) sufferers through a financial downturn, you’d think that everyone would … Read more

From Plumber To Partner: How IT Can Become Part Of A Company’s Success

Current industry wisdom estimates that companies end up spending 5% – 10% of their gross revenue on all things related to Information Technology. Ouch! That means for every $1M in revenue, the IT cost could reach up to $100,000. You do the math! In a recent article in Baseline magazine, Cary Westmark who is the … Read more