CIOs Look For Ways To Use Blockchain Resumes

Blockchain can make background claims easy to verify

The person with the CIO job realizes that their company has a significant problem when it comes to hiring people. They can’t always trust that the resume that the person has given them is truthful. The traditional way of trying to make sure that the company is getting the straight story is to run a … Read more

How CIOs Can Get Rid Of Their To-Do Lists

CIOs have to find a way to get things done

If you are like most CIOs, you always have too much to do and not enough time in which to get it all done. Most of us deal with this challenge by creating lists of the things that we need to get accomplished so that we don’t forget anything. Creating a list and then marking … Read more

CIOs Have To Help Their Companies Start To Use AI – Or Else…

Your company has to start to use AI or else...

I’m pretty sure that just about every CIO has heard about artificial intelligence (AI) by now. This technology is starting to revolutionize a lot of the ways that we live our lives. AI is showing up in our cell phones and helps us to remember to do things, shows us places that we’d probably like … Read more

Should CIOs “Friend” People That They Work With?

Friending colleagues can be a tricky business

So just exactly what is this “friendship” thing? For that matter how important is it? For most CIOs, friendship is very important. We’d all like to have as many friends as we possibly can. However, in this day and age we often indicate our friendship with someone by “friending” them in online social media sites. … Read more

How CIOs Need To Be Preparing For Cyberthreats

The bad guys are out there, as a CIO are you going to be ready for them?

CIOs have known for a long time that their firms are under assault from outside forces. Your company has developed a vast warehouse of valuable information that outsiders would love to be able to get their hands on. As the company’s CIO it is your job to prevent this from happening. However, in order to … Read more

How CIOs Can Hire People With Cybersecurity Skills

CIOs need to find a way to solve the shortage of skilled security workers

As your company’s CIO you have a responsibility to make sure that the IT department is staffed with the skilled workers that it will need in order to remain both competitive and secure. Among other things, this means that because of the importance of information technology you are going to have to hire the cybersecurity … Read more

Should CIOs Kill Off Passwords?

Is there a better way to secure applications and websites?

When your IT department creates a new website for users to access, how do they go about securing it? If you are like most IT departments, you require users to make use of a unique username and a password. That password may be a bit complex: it has to be so long, must contain upper … Read more

CIOs And The Problem Of Social Engineering

Social engineering is how the bad guys get employees to say too much

So let’s pretend for a moment that you’ve switched sides. You are now a hacker that is trying to break into your company’s network because you understand the importance of information technology, want to get money from your company, or do something else that you really should not be doing. How are you going to … Read more

Are CIOs Ready To Use AI To Transform The Business?

Artificial intelligence is going to change everything, are CIOs ready?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful new technology that the person with the CIO job is going to have to learn how to harness because of the importance of information technology. We need to realize that the impact of introducing AI powered applications into our business will not just impact the IT department, but rather … Read more

How CIOs Can Help To Get More People To Take Cruises

Getting more people on the boat is going to take technology

So the people with the CIO job who work for the big cruise lines have a bit of a problem on their hands. It turns out that when people are planning on traveling, they generally don’t plan on taking a cruise. Right now less than 4% of Americans take a cruise each year. Worldwide the … Read more