Can CIOs Find A Way To Use Robots Inside Of Stores?

CIOs need to figure out how robots can get a new retail job

That pesky e-commerce thing has changed everything for businesses everywhere. What this means for the person with the CIO job is that they need to help the company find ways to use the importance of information technology to do things quicker and better. One way that the person with the CIO job is trying to … Read more

A Health Care Startup Realizes That They Need CIO Help

Technology is the key to starting up a new health care company

Just exactly how important is a CIO? A startup health care company tried to accomplish the creation of a new way for patients to purchase prescriptions online; however, they quickly ran into problems and failed. This time around they understand that things have to be different. This time around they’re hiring a CIO to help … Read more

Know-It-All CIOs Are The Source Of The Problem

Know-it-all CIOs don't think that they need input from anyone

CIOs who are excited about their jobs and who are ambitious often like to act like they know everything. This kind of behavior becomes very visible to everyone that they work with. As they move on in their career, these CIOs often start to realize that, despite the importance of information technology, just how little … Read more

CIOs Go Looking For Robots To Use On The Farm

In the future, berry farming will be done by robots

One does not often think about farming and CIOs in the same thought. However, it turns out that the way that food is being grown and harvested is in the process of undergoing a radical transformation. Technology is being applied to the fields where our food is grown and how best to apply that technology … Read more

Restaurant CIOs Start To Use Big Data

Restaurants now have more info about their customers than ever

So it turns out that restaurants have CIOs also. These CIOs are tasked with the challenge of understanding the importance of information technology and finding ways to use IT resources to make the restaurants that they work for even better than they already are. In order to make this happen, restaurants are going to have … Read more

CIOs Deal With A Revolution In Grocery Stores

Food shoppers are going online and CIOs have to prepare for their arrival

CIOs who work for grocery store chains are undergoing some significant changes in their lives. It used to be that being a CIO who worked in the grocery business allowed you to focus on such issues as the delivery of items to stores, current inventory levels, and the tracking of food shipments when a contamination … Read more

CIOs Have To Learn To Invest In IT In Order For Their Company To Succeed

Investing In IT is what it will take to make your company successful

Investing In IT is what it will take to make your company successful Image Credit: Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash As the person with the CIO job, it is your responsibility to provide your company with guidance on how they can be successful. In order to be able to provide good advice, what we need … Read more

Can Auto CIOs Transform Their Companies Into Software Companies?

The best auto software will determine who controls the future of cars

Think about the car that you are currently driving. What components go into it? If you guessed metal, glass, and plastic then you would be correct – but you would have missed one key ingredient. Software. More and more the cars that we drive are being controlled and run by software. The problem is that … Read more

CIOs Need To Know What Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Is

Robotic Process Automation is coming, will CIOs be ready?

As the person with the CIO job at your company, you are constantly under pressure to understand the importance of information technology and to find ways to allow the company to do more things quicker. You’ve probably already done the simple things such as deploying a group chat application, installing an ERP suite, and, of … Read more

Should CIOs Promote Full Pay Transparency?

ure being transparent on pay sounds like a good idea, but is it really?

So let’s make sure that we all understand what we are talking about when we bring up pay transparency. Right off the bat, pay transparency sounds like a really good idea. In a company that has pay transparency, every employee knows what every other employee is making. There can be a lot of benefits to … Read more