CIOs Need To Know: Just Exactly What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Everyone is talking about AI, but what is it really?

Welcome to the 21st Century. For some reason everyone seems to be talking about artificial intelligence as of late. What’s the big deal? This stuff used to only exist in science fiction movies and now it sure seems like it is in the process of taking over the world. The person with the CIO job … Read more

How CIOs Waste Their Employee’s Time

It’s what we don’t know that can cause time to be wasted

As is the case with all CIO’s, you’d like to be the best boss that you can possibly be. There are a lot of characteristics of good bosses: they treat their employees with respect, they give good directions, and they praise people when they accomplish something significant. However, even if you are able to do … Read more

CIOs Need To Get Ready For Continuously Learning Models

CIOs need to prepare for a world where models run everything

If you are the person with the CIO job, the rest of the company is looking at you for help in making your company more competitive. What this means is that the company needs to always be improving how they do things – they need to become quicker, better, and faster. This all sounds great … Read more

How The Nutrisystem CIO Turned The Company Around

Nutrisystem had the data, they just didn't know what to do with it

Just a few years ago, the weight loss company Nutrisystem was in a bad place. A combination of events had resulted in a decrease in sales. The global recession along with more competition in the weight loss market had resulted in sales and profits declining for several years. Clearly something had to be done. The … Read more

CIOs Need To Start To Understand How Other People Learn

In order to manage people, you need to understand how they think

Most CIOs feel comfortable when they are dealing with the things that they know the best which show off the importance of information technology: servers, networks, software, firewalls, etc. However, in order to be a successful CIO we also have to be good at dealing with something else: people. In order to successfully manage the … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Managing Millennials?

CIOs need to know a few basic things in order to lead millennials

I’m hoping that we can all agree that the nature of our IT department’s workforce has been changing over the past few years. It sure seems like as the importance of information technology grows, the department keeps getting younger and younger and younger. What has been happening is that we have been employing more and … Read more

CIOs Need To Understand The Effect Of Rudeness

CIOs need to be aware of the effects of rudeness in the workplace

As the person with the CIO job, you have a lot on your plate. You need to make sure that the company’s networks are kept secure and you need to make the right decisions about new technology that the company is considering because of the importance of information technology. However, you also have to remember … Read more

How Can A CIO Make His Or Her Company Cybersafe?

Employees know that there is danger bu they still make mistakes

One of the most important jobs that the person with the CIO job is asked to do is to secure the company’s networks because of the importance of information technology. The good news is that the tools that are available to do this are always getting better and better. The bad news is that the … Read more

What CIOs Need To Know About Negotiating Better Deals

It turns out that too much negotiating can be bad for a CIO

Let’s face it, one of the most important jobs that a CIO does is to negotiate deals. No matter if we are dealing with outside vendors or internal departments, it sure seems as though because of the importance of information technology a great deal of our time is taken up with trying to get the … Read more

Should Bank CIOs Be Sharing Data To Improve Security?

How much sharing is too much sharing for bank CIOs?

When the bad guys go after a bank, because of the importance of information technology it is the responsibility of the Bank’s CIO to keep the bank’s networks and electronic assets safe. However, this is not something that they can do by themselves. Banks need to know what is happening at other banks so that … Read more