Are CIOs Ready To Use AI To Transform The Business?

Artificial intelligence is going to change everything, are CIOs ready?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful new technology that the person with the CIO job is going to have to learn how to harness because of the importance of information technology. We need to realize that the impact of introducing AI powered applications into our business will not just impact the IT department, but rather … Read more

The Problem That CIOs Have With Windows Software

How much Microsoft windows software is being used at your company? If you are like most of us, the answer to this question is “a lot”. Microsoft not only does a very good job with most of their software (think Office), but they have also been doing it for a long time – they are … Read more

Will The Web 2.0 Be Your Downfall When You Are CIO?

Just What Is This Web 2.0 Thing & Why Should You Care? Just when you think that you’ve got this Internet thing figured out, it goes and changes on you. When you become CIO the Internet is going to be both your best friend (always on connectivity) and your worst enemy (security). However, just like … Read more