It Turns Out That CIOs Want Their Privacy

What does your office space look like right now? If your company is like roughly 70% of the firms out there, you have adopted an “open office” format where the walls and cubes have all been removed. Something else that often goes away at the same time is a private office for the person with … Read more

How Should CIOs Handle Data From Employee’s Wearables?

As the person with the CIO job, you are the one who is responsible for managing all of the data that the company collects. We are all pretty used to what this means. We set up databases, we create backup programs, and we create processes for acquiring, cleaning, storing, and eventually discarding data because we … Read more

What CIOs Need To Do About The Disengaged Worker Problem

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to put in place systems that will allow the company to use the importance of information technology to get the most out of each and every IT employee. This sounds like a fairly classical management responsibility. However, in a recent poll by the research firm … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Chat?

If I asked you what the most important application that your company uses is, what would your answer be? I believe that for most of us it would be email – this is how everyone in the company communicates with each other. However, there is a revolution in communication that is going on that may … Read more

Does How You Look Really Matter?

When you go into the office, how do you dress? Do you put on a suit, find just the right tie, and make sure that your shoes are polished? Or do you slide on that pair of jeans that you’ve been wearing for a couple of years now, grab the shirt that’s hanging over the … Read more

Why CIOs Have To Worry About Their Company Being Disrupted

As CIOs because of the importance of information technology it can be all too easy for us to put our heads down and focus on the issues that are right in front of us: securing the network, upgrading workstations, and building new data centers. However, one thing that can be just a little bit too … Read more

5 Things That A CIO Should Never Accept In The IT Department

CIOs need to make sure that their IT department is a smoothly running machine. There are many different things that they can do in order to make sure that this happens. Hiring the right employees is a great way to start. Taking steps to keep employee moral high and ensuring that employees are motivated are … Read more