CIOs Search For Ways To Help Their Companies Become More Efficient
CIOs are being called on to help their companies become more efficient with the result that the company becomes more productive and profitable
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs are being called on to help their companies become more efficient with the result that the company becomes more productive and profitable
As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the IT department is successful. In order to do that, you need to be able to lead the department in the right direction in order to realize the importance of information technology. What this means is that you have to plan, … Read more
How good of a CIO are you? I’m willing to bet that no matter how good you think that you are, you also realize that you could probably be better. We all believe this. However, now we run into the big question: how can a CIO become better? It turns out that the answer is … Read more
With a little luck, every CIO realizes that they are only as good as the people that they have working for them. What this means is that they need to be a good boss if they want to be successful. This leads to a critical question: how good of a boss are you? It turns … Read more
What’s Wrong With The Way That We Schedule IT Projects? At the end of the day, an IT department is simply a collection of projects. Some of these projects are short lived (“we’ve got an outage!”) and some are much longer (“let’s install a new ERP solution”). However, it turns out that today’s CIOs have … Read more
Outsourcing, off-shoring, call it what you will, it’s been with us long enough that you’d think that the rules for how to do it correctly would be well known, right? It turns out that this isn’t always the case. The current down economy is probably going to have most IT shops looking for ways to … Read more