CIOs Search For Ways To Help Their Companies Become More Efficient
CIOs are being called on to help their companies become more efficient with the result that the company becomes more productive and profitable
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CIOs are being called on to help their companies become more efficient with the result that the company becomes more productive and profitable
You would think that since all of these computers, networks, and software things have been around for so long that most companies would be just about even in how they make use of them, right? A recent study reveals that this is not the case: some of us are using IT to move the company … Read more
What if you just got promoted or accepted a new job. Plop — there you are. I’ve got some bad news for you, according to an article in the Harvard Business Review, in 2006 about 40% of the CEOs who left their jobs had lasted average of just 1.8 years. If they can’t hang on … Read more