CIOs Need To Understand The Power Of A Chat
CIOs who want to improve communication within the IT department can start to hold chat meetings and office hours with their team
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs who want to improve communication within the IT department can start to hold chat meetings and office hours with their team
Let’s face it – companies are under more pressure than ever to do more and provide their customers with a better shopping experience. There are only so many ways that this kind of increased level of service can be provided and hiring more workers, while one solution, often turns out to be too expensive for … Read more
Outsourcing, off-shoring, call it what you will, it’s been with us long enough that you’d think that the rules for how to do it correctly would be well known, right? It turns out that this isn’t always the case. The current down economy is probably going to have most IT shops looking for ways to … Read more