What Do CIOs Have To Know About Business Intelligence?

CIOs need to understand how to make use of new business intelligence tools

Modern CIOs need to understand that Business Intelligence (BI) leverages software and services to transform data into actionable insights that inform an company’s strategic and tactical business decisions. These BI tools access and analyze data sets and present analytical findings in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts and maps designed to provide users with detailed intelligence … Read more

The 7 Stages Of Big Data Analytics That Every CIO Needs To Know About

CIOs have always had to find ways to deal with data. Collecting it, storing it, processing it, and eventually archiving it. The arrival of the era of Big Data has almost overnight turned what was already a challenging task into a nearly impossible task. Everyone in the company understands the importance of information technology and … Read more

You’ve Got The Data, Now What CIO?

As CIO, a big part of your job is to help your company realize the importance of information technology and, based on this, help them to both collect and store data. Once you have it, you need to scrub it, maintain it, and protect it. However, has anyone every told you how to do the … Read more

CIO’s Have The Data, But Where’s The Analytics?

If there is one word in the IT Sector that is hot, hot, hot these days it’s analytics. It seems as though it has almost become a part of the definition of information technology. Everyone and their mother’s uncle seems to be saying that analytics is the next great thing that is going to transform … Read more

5 Ways For CIOs To Become (Much) More Important

Once you become the CIO you’d think that you’ve have it made. Now that you are living at the top of the IT pyramid, life should be grand – the long, hard struggle to reach this position is now over. Actually, the job is just beginning. What you need to do now is to find … Read more

Is Life Easier If You Are A CIO Who Works For The U.S. Government?

You want to become a CIO. You probably want to become a CIO in the private sector – you know, those companies that have owners or stockholders that they always have to work to keep happy. Why haven’t you spent any time thinking about becoming a CIO who works for the biggest employer out there: … Read more

What CIOs Need To Know About Performance Management

Unless you’ve been asleep for the past couple of years, you’ve probably had a chance to read about the Business Intelligence (BI) fad that seem to have taken over the IT market. The basic idea is pretty simple: use an application to crunch all of that complicated data that you’ve been gathering and present a … Read more

What Can IT Become When It Grows Up?

So I love IT, and you love IT. We love the applications, the servers, the networks and, of course, the Internet. Whether it’s because we are closet control freaks or because we are fascinated by how all of the pieces fit together, we just love it. I’m not saying that love is a bad thing, … Read more