CIOs Realize That Virtualization Is Not A Magic Cure

We’ve all heard the stories about IT shops with 100’s if not 1000’s of servers that are all being utilized at the 2% level. Shucks, we heard about this all the back in 2008 and that’s when the server virtualization vendors started showing up and knocking on our doors to remind us about the importance … Read more

To Be Successful, CIOs Need To Implement Simplicity

I don’t know about you, but whenever I see something that looks complicated, I am impressed. I mean, somebody took the time to make that and so based on the importance of information technology it must do something complicated very well. Well, it turns out that I’m wrong. Especially within our IT departments, the one … Read more

3 Questions That Every CIO Should Be Asking About Clouds

I love clouds, you love clouds, we all love clouds. It seems like everyone in IT is talking about cloud computing and how it’s the next big thing. Cloud computing has almost become a part of the definition of information technology. Look, I think that there’s a lot of good things about cloud computing, but … Read more

CIOs Need To Realize That Virtualization Isn’t All That It’s Cracked Up To Be

To read the IT trade journals or speak with CIOs you’d think that we’ve all found the magic silver bullet that IT’s been looking for during the past few years: server virtualization. The ability to mash together a bunch of different expensive individual servers and shrink the company’s IT footprint down by a factor of … Read more

CIOs Are Learning That Clouds Aren’t Free

CIOs are currently being faced with making a decision that will impact their IT departments for years to come: should they move their IT operations into the cloud and if so, should it be a public cloud or a private cloud? There are a number of technical issues that can help drive this decision; however, … Read more

Everything A CIO Needs To Know About Desktop Virtualization

Darn that 80/20 rule. CIOs realize that they are spending way too much money just keeping the IT systems that they’ve already deployed up and running. If only this task didn’t cost so much: then they could spend that money on bold new initiatives that would benefit the entire company. One of the most expensive … Read more

Is Life Easier If You Are A CIO Who Works For The U.S. Government?

You want to become a CIO. You probably want to become a CIO in the private sector – you know, those companies that have owners or stockholders that they always have to work to keep happy. Why haven’t you spent any time thinking about becoming a CIO who works for the biggest employer out there: … Read more