How Can The Enterprise Holding’s CIO Help The Company To Evolve?

How can a CIO help a rental car company move into the future?

You would think that being a CIO at a rental car company would be a pretty straight forward job. I mean, if you understand the importance of information technology and can keep track of the employees and the cars then you are pretty much on top of your job. However, the way that we use … Read more

Can Auto CIOs Transform Their Companies Into Software Companies?

The best auto software will determine who controls the future of cars

Think about the car that you are currently driving. What components go into it? If you guessed metal, glass, and plastic then you would be correct – but you would have missed one key ingredient. Software. More and more the cars that we drive are being controlled and run by software. The problem is that … Read more

How CIOs Are Using Algorithms To Tell People What To Do

Algorithms can sometimes make better decisions than people can

As the person with the CIO job, one of your main tasks is to assign work to the various people who work for you. As the number of people grows and the amount of work that has to be done seems to get even larger, this task that once upon a time appeared to be … Read more

Why CIOs Have To Worry About Their Company Being Disrupted

As CIOs because of the importance of information technology it can be all too easy for us to put our heads down and focus on the issues that are right in front of us: securing the network, upgrading workstations, and building new data centers. However, one thing that can be just a little bit too … Read more

Does Your Company Need An Innovation Lab?

I’m hoping that the company that you work at is currently doing well. Now let’s talk about the future. None of us know what’s coming our way down the road and that can be just a bit scary. For firms that may not be in the high-tech sector, they understand the importance of information technology … Read more