Restaurant CIOs Start To Use Big Data

Restaurants now have more info about their customers than ever

So it turns out that restaurants have CIOs also. These CIOs are tasked with the challenge of understanding the importance of information technology and finding ways to use IT resources to make the restaurants that they work for even better than they already are. In order to make this happen, restaurants are going to have … Read more

Does A CIO Run A Democracy?

Ah, the burdens of leadership rest heavily on your shoulders. As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to collect all of the available data, process it, and then make the best decisions that you can. With a little luck, your decisions will be the right ones most of the time based on … Read more

CIOs Need To Know How To Build Bridges

So here’s a question for you: based on the importance of information technology, what is IT’s role in your company? If you are like most people with the CIO job, your answer will consist of you listing a number of different things that the IT department does for the company: keeps its servers up, installs … Read more

Big Data Means 5 Big Problems For CIOs

If you pick up just about any IT magazine these days, you’ll see that everyone seems to have decided that we are now living in the age of “big data”. No data set is too large to be processed by your IT department. The rest of the company now understands the importance of information technology … Read more

Should CIOs Use Contests To Get The Job Done?

Let’s face it: there are some problems that an IT department faces that despite the importance of information technology are just tough to solve. As the person in the CIO job you’ve got to find solutions to these types of problems, but you also have to manage the time and the cost that it’s going … Read more

How Can A CIO Adjust To Working For A New CEO?

Roughly half of the having the CIO job is communicating with other people. We all know about communicating the importance of information technology to the rest of the company; however, one of the most important people that you have to communicate with is your CEO. When there is a change at the top, then all … Read more

What Is The One Thing That A CIO Needs To Accomplish Next Year?

It’s starting to get to that point in the year where we all start to think about the importance of information technology and what our goals for next year should be. Most CIOs will of course be thinking about all of the things that you think that CIOs should be thinking about: clouds, mobility, optimization, … Read more

Why Is The CIO Position Reporting Structure Broken?

Don’t look now, but there’s something wrong in the world of CIOs. The CIOs that I’m working with are being asked to do more and more for their companies. It would be fair to say that IT has become an indispensible part of the companies that these CIOs work for. Then can you tell me … Read more

Forgotten IT Skills: How To Ask Questions

It’s easy to get caught up in all of the servers, routers, applications, and firewalls that make up a modern IT environment. After a while we tend to start thinking that the path to our next great IT insight must lie somewhere in this jungle of IT “stuff”. And that is where you’d be wrong! … Read more