What CIOs Should Do If Nobody Is Listening To Them

Is it really the responsibility of talkers to get listeners to hear them?

As a CIO, communication is a key part of your job as you try to share the importance of information technology. You really need people to pay attention to what you are telling them to do. However, in this day and age it all too often seems as though the people that you are talking … Read more

Are You Creating A Toxic Culture In The IT Department?

CIOs are responsible for the culture that they make in the IT department

Just by being the person with the CIO job you change things. Your department looks up to you for guidance in how they are supposed to behave. What a lot of people in the CIO position don’t realize is that within the IT department, all the way down the line of command, people are watching … Read more

What CIOs Can Do When Everyone Retires!

CIOs need to find a way to deal with their looming talent shortage

I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to tell CIOs that they have a real problem on their hands. Due to the way that demographics work, there are a lot of skilled IT workers who are just about ready to become eligible to retire. When this happens, all of sudden a great deal of the … Read more

Are You A Confidant CIO – Or An Overconfident CIO?

The line is easy to cross and hard to recognize

So just exactly what does it take to be a successful CIO? I think that we can all agree that one of the key traits that the person in the CIO position needs to have is the self-confidence to deal with issues related to the importance of information technology. If we don’t believe in ourselves, … Read more

Tough Decisions That CIOs Have To Make

So if you look back on the day that you become a CIO, you need to remember that nobody ever told you that this was going to be an easy job dealing with the importance of information technology. One of the reasons that being the person in the CIO position is such a tough job … Read more

CIOs Need To Know How To Secure The Internet Of Things

The problem is that security is not ready for the internet of things

Guess what? The person with the CIO job has another question about the importance of information technology that they are going to have to find the answer to. This time around the question is just exactly how we can go about securing all of the so-called “smart” devices that are going to be constantly connecting … Read more

The Challenge Posed By Your Company’s Employee Health Data

Along with health data comes privacy concerns

Let’s face it, if you were the person running your company you would have a lot of big issues that you needed to deal with in addition to worrying about the importance of information technology. One of these issues would be the simple fact that your health-care costs for employees are ballooning. Since we now … Read more

I See You – CIOs And The Problem Of Exposed Corporate Data

When we put information into the cloud, we don't want the world to see it

Wow – that cloud thing is a powerful tool for the person with the CIO job to use. Think about it, we have access to almost unlimited storage and the ability to spin up new servers anytime that we run into the need. Life sure has gotten better than it used to be. However, it … Read more