How Should CIOs Implement Robotic Process Automation?

The robots are coming, will the CIO be ready?

Guess what? A brand new technology is on the horizon and as the company’s CIO, you are going to be the person who is going to have to implement it. This new technology is called robotic process automation (RPA) and it allows average business users to configure software “robots” to automate what are called “swivel … Read more

What Do CIOs Have To Know About Business Intelligence?

CIOs need to understand how to make use of new business intelligence tools

Modern CIOs need to understand that Business Intelligence (BI) leverages software and services to transform data into actionable insights that inform an company’s strategic and tactical business decisions. These BI tools access and analyze data sets and present analytical findings in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts and maps designed to provide users with detailed intelligence … Read more

How Can CIOs Prepare Their Workers For Tomorrow?

CIOs need to take steps to improve worker's digital literacy

As a CIO you are facing a number of different, difficult challenges. They are all important; however, one may be more important than all of the others: finding and keeping qualified technical people. The problem is that right now in the U.S. there are roughly 500,000 open IT positions. Just to make things even worse, … Read more

How Can CIOs Avoid Getting Locked Into One Vendor’s Cloud?

CIOs need to prepare to switch cloud providers from the start

As more and more CIOs move their company’s IT infrastructure into the cloud, the importance of the cloud is becoming more and more important. I’d like to be able to tell you that all of that work that you put into selecting the right cloud provider for your company is a “one and done” type … Read more

How CIOs Can Become AI Experts

New tools are allowing CIOs use AI as a part of their jobs

CIOs need to get ready for big changes that are coming their way: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is arriving. It was not all that long ago that AI was something that only Data Scientists dealt with. However, now things have changed. Companies that deal with such diverse things as manufacturing, finance, and even insurance are starting … Read more

What Does It Take To Be A Successful CIO?

CIOs want to find ways to be successful

Just think of all of the things that the person with the CIO job has to stay on top of: the explosive growth of cloud computing, the continued rise in business-managed IT spend, and incredible leaps in data analytics and automation. In this environment, a new generation of CIOs are leading the way by rewriting … Read more

What Can Amazon Teach CIOs About Being Successful In The Cloud?

As CIOs move into the cloud, they should take direction from Amazon

As CIOs are busy creating projects to move more and more of their IT infrastructure into the cloud, they are always looking to other firms in order to get direction on what the best way to go about doing this is. We all know that Amazon offers one of the most popular cloud products and … Read more

What Does It Take To Be The CIO At Walmart?

Walmart is in the process of making changes, what will their CIO have to do?

There are a lot of high profile CIO jobs out there. However, one of the ones that has the most attention being directed towards it is being the CIO at the gigantic retailer Walmart. Think about it – there is a Walmart in just about every town and we all go to Walmart every so … Read more

Is BYOD The Way That CIOs Can Attract More Millennials?

CIOs need a bring-your-own-device plan to attract more millennials

CIOs who think that BYOD (bring-your-own-device) is a fad that is starting to fade away are wrong. CIOs who think they can abandon the practice of creating BYOD polices risk upsetting an important and growing constituency of their workforce: millennials, who are also known as GenY. Attracting this type of worker has become a part … Read more