How Can The Enterprise Holding’s CIO Help The Company To Evolve?

How can a CIO help a rental car company move into the future?

You would think that being a CIO at a rental car company would be a pretty straight forward job. I mean, if you understand the importance of information technology and can keep track of the employees and the cars then you are pretty much on top of your job. However, the way that we use … Read more

CIOs Start To Deal With The Limitations Of Image-Recognition Filters

It turns out that there are ways to get around image-recognition filters

As your company’s CIO it is your responsibility to understand the importance of information technology and to use it to secure the company’s assets. What this means on a daily basis is that you are probably installing firewalls and creating white lists for who can access what applications and servers. However, as life become more … Read more

CIOs Want To Know: How Secure Is Your Mobile Phone?

Where are the weaknesses of mobile phones and what can CIOs do about it?

As the person with the CIO job, you realize just how important mobile phones are to your company. These devices have become the way that everyone stays in touch and the way that we are able to find each other no matter what time of day or night it is. However, just as mobile phones … Read more

How Do You Get The CIO Job?

What are the steps that it takes to become CIO?

The CIO job is the one that everyone in the IT department eventually wants to get. It can be a real challenge to line up an interview for this position and even more of a challenge to get selected for it. What everyone wants to know is what they need to be doing in order … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Cyber Insurance?

The idea is simple but the devil lies in the details

When you are the CIO, you deal with things like servers, networks, firewalls and the like. You are not generally called on to deal with other business related issues such as insurance. However, with the rash of ransomware attacks and denial-of-service attacks that have been happening, CIOs are now being asked to help out when … Read more

CIOs Start To Look For Workers With Hybrid Skills

Tomorrow's jobs will require workers with hybrid skills

As the person with the CIO job, it is your responsibility to make sure that the company is staffed with the IT experts that will be able to understand the importance of information technology and guide the company into the future. In the past this has been fairly easy to do, you just went out … Read more