How Can CIOs Avoid Getting Locked Into One Vendor’s Cloud?

CIOs need to prepare to switch cloud providers from the start

As more and more CIOs move their company’s IT infrastructure into the cloud, the importance of the cloud is becoming more and more important. I’d like to be able to tell you that all of that work that you put into selecting the right cloud provider for your company is a “one and done” type … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Hadoop?

If there is one IT buzzword that gets everyone excited right now, then it’s “Big Data”. The idea behind Big Data is that with the right set of tools, companies can finally take a look at all of the data that they collect from multiple streams and pull it together in order to answer important … Read more

Why NoSQL Is The Wrong Choice For A CIO — Sometimes

If you were to create a list of the buzz words that are filtering through the world of IT right now, “noSQL” would have to be at the top of your list when you are talking about the importance of information technology. CIOs everywhere have decided that they’ve had enough of traditional databases and the … Read more

Open Source: Godsend Or Highway To Somewhere Else…?

What if software was free? Every CIO has to stop and ask themselves this question every once in awhile. With the cost of ERP and database systems constantly increasing, software costs can quickly become a significant expense for any IT department. The “Open Source” software movement, born in the days when Napster was giving away … Read more