How CIOs Can Reduce Bias When They Are Hiring

The goal for a CIO is to increase IT department diversity

With a little luck, we’ve all gotten the message by now: having a more diverse IT department makes for a better IT department. However, despite the fact that most companies have spent a lot of money trying to teach everyone about the power of diversity, we still don’t seem to have done a very good … Read more

How IT and Business Can Work Together To Benefit The Customer

IT and business need to work together

CIOs need to ask themselves why should the business and IT collaborate? Perhaps a better question is why wouldn’t they collaborate? We need to understand that business units like sales, marketing, and operations have direct interactions with customers that are enabled or empowered by technology — technology that’s typically managed and deployed by IT. CIOs … Read more

Why Do CIOs Fail When It Comes To Innovation?

Innovation efforts can fail if CIOs don't step in and guide them

As the CIO of your company, you have been given the job of leading innovation at the firm so that it can realize the importance of information technology. However, it can be all too easy to fail at this task. I think that we all understand that innovation is an important driver of growth, and … Read more

Questions You Need To Ask About Your Next CIO Job

Asking the correct questions is what you need to do get the right job

As CIOs we will eventually go looking for our next CIO job. When we do this, we need to be prepared to answer plenty of questions on various technology, business and personal topics. However, before any employment meeting ends, it’s always a good idea for you to toss a few probing questions back to the … Read more

How CIOs Can Position The IT Department For Success

The CIO needs to guide the IT department to success

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the IT department is successful. In order to do that, you need to be able to lead the department in the right direction in order to realize the importance of information technology. What this means is that you have to plan, … Read more

CIOs Struggle With The New Challenge Of Citizen Developers

CIOs have to deal with users who are creating software to solve business problems

As though CIOs didn’t already have enough to worry about with the importance of information technology, it now turns out that within their own company there may be a shadow IT department at work. What has happened is that there is a growing demand for software and this has given rise to pseudo-programmers who, though … Read more

Just Exactly What Should A CIO Do During Their First 100 Days?

CIOs need to go into their first 100 days on the job with a plan

Being a CIO is an exciting job. Starting a new CIO job can be both exciting and just a little bit daunting. When the person with the CIO job gets ready to start a new job, they need to make sure that they are going in with a clear plan. Hitting the ground running can … Read more

How Are CIOs Failing Their Business Users?

CIOs are forgetting about their employee experience

Right now every CIO seems to be talking about the customer experience (CX). What CIOs have been told is that if you don’t get customer experience right, you may leave yourself vulnerable to competitors who do. However, CIOs who focus only or mostly on customers are forgetting something just as important: the employee experience (EX) … Read more

How A CIO Can Make An Inherited IT Department Better

As CIOs, some jobs are tougher than others. One of the most demanding is when you find yourself taking on a troubled IT department. This isn’t a job for the faint of heart. Your job will be to repair damage and put things back in order so that the company can realize the importance of … Read more