Why CIOs Have To Worry About Their Company Being Disrupted

As CIOs because of the importance of information technology it can be all too easy for us to put our heads down and focus on the issues that are right in front of us: securing the network, upgrading workstations, and building new data centers. However, one thing that can be just a little bit too … Read more

CIOs Are Discovering That Containers Might Be The Right Way To Ship Code

As the person with the CIO job, you’ve generally got a lot on your mind. You’ve got budget issues, staffing issues, working with other department issues and everything else that has to do with the importance of information technology. You really don’t have a lot of control over these things. However, there are some issues … Read more

Does Your Company Need An Innovation Lab?

I’m hoping that the company that you work at is currently doing well. Now let’s talk about the future. None of us know what’s coming our way down the road and that can be just a bit scary. For firms that may not be in the high-tech sector, they understand the importance of information technology … Read more

CIOs Want To Know: How Can I Get My Best Workers To Stay?

If you are doing what a CIO is supposed to do, then you’ve spent time and energy assembling the best IT department that you possibly can. You’ve weeded out the non-performers, replaced them will skilled IT professionals, and now you feel as though your IT department is ready to take on the world! However, there … Read more

Should The Salaries In Your IT Department Be Known By All?

Just in case you were not dealing with enough big issues, it turns out that there is another one that just might be headed your way. This one has to do with just exactly how much you are willing to let everyone in the IT department know about your employment agreement with everyone else in … Read more

Just Exactly How Important Is Diversity In Your IT Department?

I’m not sure if you’ve been following this story in the news, but out in Silicon Valley all of those famous companies that you’ve been hearing about, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. have just gotten done taking a look at their global workforces. What they wanted to discover is just exactly what kind of mix of … Read more

It Turns Out That Users Are Your Biggest Security Problem

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your job to understand the importance of information technology and keep the company’s networks secure. We invest a great deal time, effort, and cash into buying and configuring devices to accomplish this. We also pay for a great deal of training of our staff on what they … Read more

What Should CIOs Do About Their Shadow IT Department?

As the CIO of your company’s IT department, you’d like to think that you know what’s going on in your departmentbecause of the importance of information technology. I mean, you control the budget for your department and everyone in the department works for you so it makes sense that if you don’t fund it, then … Read more

Questions CIOs Need To Ask When Building New Data Centers

As the person with the CIO job, one of the most expensive decisions that you may ever make will have to do with the decision to build a new data center for your company. For all the talk of the benefits of “the cloud”, most companies still have data and applications that they fell most … Read more

How To Hold On To Your Best IT Workers

I guess if you take the time to think about it, being the person with the CIO job is a lot like being the coach of a football team. You think about the players that you need, you interview a lot of people, pick a few of them to join your team, and then the … Read more