What Does A CIO Need To Be Doing Now To Prepare For The Future?

Being a CIO is a demanding job. It seems as though there is too much to be done almost every day. There are people to be managed, vendors to be talked to, and technology decisions that because of the importance of information technology will affect the entire company that have to be made each and … Read more

Is Tough Talking The New Correct Way To Communicate?

When you are at the office, how do you interact with people? I suspect that in your office there are smart people, dumb people, nice people, and not so nice people. You probably grin and bear it – you try to treat everyone the same way and you try to be nice to everyone. What … Read more

Could Your Personal Gender Bias Be Playing A Role In How You Evaluate People In Your IT Department?

If I asked you if you had any bias, I’m pretty sure that you’d think for a moment and then say that no, to the best of your knowledge you are basically an unbiased person. This is good news, but unfortunately you are probably incorrect. It turns out that we all have some bias in … Read more

Friends Should Not Help CIOs Make Hiring Decisions

No, hiring someone is probably not something that you do every day of the week. However, when you do do it, considering the importance of information technology it is a very important task. You really need to pick the right people to join your IT department if you want to keep its performance high. This … Read more

CIOs Need To Understand That Reviews Come With Risks

As your company’s CIO, one of your jobs is to evaluate the performance of your direct reports as it relates to the importance of information technology. How you go about doing this and how often you do it have been the subject of much debate over the past few years. However, I think that we … Read more

How CIOs Can Make Sure That They Don’t Fail At Failure

I’m pretty sure that I’m not only speaking for myself when I say that I really, really don’t like failing at something. Yeah, yeah – I’ve heard all of the sayings like “fail often, fail fast”, “embrace failure”, “learn from your mistakes”, etc. That does not make failing any easier. I’d much rather forget my … Read more

The Dark Side Of Cloud Computing

I suspect that by now just like most CIOs you have heard a great deal about the promises offered by cloud computing and if you have not already taken the plunge and dived into cloud computing, then at least you have a plan to do so in the near future because you understand the importance … Read more

Just Exactly How Do You Get Started With Big Data?

The world of IT is often filled with buzz words that draw the attention of CIOs because of all of the discussions that surround these new words. Right now, “big data” is one such buzz word. that everyone is saying is critical to the importance of information technology. As a CIO you may have been … Read more

Do Great CIOs Need To Learn How To Be Humble?

As the CIO you feel as though you are in charge of your IT department. What this means for most of us is that we need to continuously be showing everyone that we are the person in charge. Since we’ve been asked to lead the IT team, we need to be filled with self-confidence and … Read more