I See You – CIOs And The Problem Of Exposed Corporate Data

When we put information into the cloud, we don't want the world to see it

Wow – that cloud thing is a powerful tool for the person with the CIO job to use. Think about it, we have access to almost unlimited storage and the ability to spin up new servers anytime that we run into the need. Life sure has gotten better than it used to be. However, it … Read more

What Should CIOs Do About Their Shadow IT Department?

As the CIO of your company’s IT department, you’d like to think that you know what’s going on in your departmentbecause of the importance of information technology. I mean, you control the budget for your department and everyone in the department works for you so it makes sense that if you don’t fund it, then … Read more

Should The CIO View The CMO As Friend Or Foe?

If there is one fact of life that everyone who has the CIO job has had to learn to deal with, it’s that our IT budgets never seem to be big enough. However, it turns out that there is someone else in the company who does not have the same problem: the CMO. In fact, … Read more