How CIOs Can Deal With The Problem Of Silos

As the person with the CIO job at your company, you have control over the domain of IT. If you want it to happen in your department, then it’s going to happen. However, if we step outside of your department into finance, or accounting, or sales, your power starts to drop off rather quickly because … Read more

CIO vs. CFO: Who’s Going To Win This Battle?

When you become CIO you are going to discover one of the realities of IT life: you are not in complete control of the IT department. Rather, you are in charge of determining how to spend the money that the company allocates to IT. It turns out that how and how much money gets allocated … Read more

The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming – Lessons From BT

Anyone can be a successful CIO – you just have to master the basics: understand what business you are in and find ways to use technology to allow the business to move faster and do more. A great example of this is BT Exact: the IT branch of British Telecom (BT) – the UK’s largest … Read more