CIO vs. CFO: Who’s Going To Win This Battle?

When you become CIO you are going to discover one of the realities of IT life: you are not in complete control of the IT department. Rather, you are in charge of determining how to spend the money that the company allocates to IT. It turns out that how and how much money gets allocated … Read more

Just For You: The Accidental Successful CIO Newsletter

It is with a great deal of pride that I am finally able to announce that free subscriptions to The Accidental Successful CIO Newsletter are now available! Subscribe to The Accidental Successful CIO Newsletter now: Click Here! Why A Newsletter? Why Now? You might be asking why I felt the need to create a newsletter … Read more

Alternate Reality Games: Games That CIOs Know How To Play

As a CIO, you’ve got some challenges facing you. You’re managing a diverse and potentially distributed work force of highly skilled and talented IT professionals. You need to find a way to keep them challenged, and yet at the same time enable them to find ways to work together. Have you considered Alternate Reality Games? … Read more

Google’s Staffing Problems Have Much To Teach CIOs

If you could be running the IT department for any company out there right now, which one would it be? A lot of us would say Google – everything that we’ve read and heard about the company makes it seem like a great place to work. However, it turns out that even Google is not … Read more