How CIOs Can Reduce Bias When They Are Hiring

The goal for a CIO is to increase IT department diversity

With a little luck, we’ve all gotten the message by now: having a more diverse IT department makes for a better IT department. However, despite the fact that most companies have spent a lot of money trying to teach everyone about the power of diversity, we still don’t seem to have done a very good … Read more

How Can CIOs Prepare Their Workers For Tomorrow?

CIOs need to take steps to improve worker's digital literacy

As a CIO you are facing a number of different, difficult challenges. They are all important; however, one may be more important than all of the others: finding and keeping qualified technical people. The problem is that right now in the U.S. there are roughly 500,000 open IT positions. Just to make things even worse, … Read more

CIOs Start To Look For Workers With Hybrid Skills

Tomorrow's jobs will require workers with hybrid skills

As the person with the CIO job, it is your responsibility to make sure that the company is staffed with the IT experts that will be able to understand the importance of information technology and guide the company into the future. In the past this has been fairly easy to do, you just went out … Read more

What Hiring Mistakes Do CIOs Make?

Are we focusing on the wrong things when we're hiring?

So what is the most important asset in the IT department? If you are like most CIOs, you’re instinctive answer to that question is “our people”. That’s a good answer; however, if we were to take a look at how the IT department goes about hiring people, I think that we’d discover a different story. … Read more

What CIOs Can Do When Everyone Retires!

CIOs need to find a way to deal with their looming talent shortage

I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to tell CIOs that they have a real problem on their hands. Due to the way that demographics work, there are a lot of skilled IT workers who are just about ready to become eligible to retire. When this happens, all of sudden a great deal of the … Read more

Tough Decisions That CIOs Have To Make

So if you look back on the day that you become a CIO, you need to remember that nobody ever told you that this was going to be an easy job dealing with the importance of information technology. One of the reasons that being the person in the CIO position is such a tough job … Read more

Should CIOs Promote Full Pay Transparency?

ure being transparent on pay sounds like a good idea, but is it really?

So let’s make sure that we all understand what we are talking about when we bring up pay transparency. Right off the bat, pay transparency sounds like a really good idea. In a company that has pay transparency, every employee knows what every other employee is making. There can be a lot of benefits to … Read more

How CIOs Waste Their Employee’s Time

It’s what we don’t know that can cause time to be wasted

As is the case with all CIO’s, you’d like to be the best boss that you can possibly be. There are a lot of characteristics of good bosses: they treat their employees with respect, they give good directions, and they praise people when they accomplish something significant. However, even if you are able to do … Read more

What Do CIOs Need To Know About Managing Millennials?

CIOs need to know a few basic things in order to lead millennials

I’m hoping that we can all agree that the nature of our IT department’s workforce has been changing over the past few years. It sure seems like as the importance of information technology grows, the department keeps getting younger and younger and younger. What has been happening is that we have been employing more and … Read more

What Can CIOs Do To Boost Workplace Diversity?

The key to diversity starts with data analytics

As CIOs, because of the importance of information technology we spend our days surrounded by servers and making decisions about things like firewalls and moving into the cloud. Is workplace diversity something that we really need to trouble ourselves about? It turns out that creating a diverse workforce can be a critical part of any … Read more