What CIOs Need To Know About Self-Driving Cars And AI

AI is the future of IT technology and cars will have it first

As the person with the CIO job we are responsible for staying on top of all of the cool new technologies that are rapidly developing because of the importance of information technology. Although our firm may not use all of these technologies, they will be influenced by them and so we have become aware of … Read more

How Can CIOs Prepare Their Workers For Tomorrow?

CIOs need to take steps to improve worker's digital literacy

As a CIO you are facing a number of different, difficult challenges. They are all important; however, one may be more important than all of the others: finding and keeping qualified technical people. The problem is that right now in the U.S. there are roughly 500,000 open IT positions. Just to make things even worse, … Read more

What Can CIOs Do When The Cloud Isn’t Fast Enough?

Computing at the edge changes everything

The world in which we live is currently changing. Over the past few years, as the importance of information technology has grown, the internet has become a bigger and more important part of both our personal and professional lives. Every IT department makes extensive use of the internet these days to run apps, handle storage, … Read more

CIOs Need To Understand The Risk Of Internet Connected Devices

CIOs need to ask the right questions before connecting everything to the internet

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you may not be aware of this thing that is being called the “internet of things” (IOT). What people are talking about when they talk about IOT is the growing number of devices that can be connected directly to the Internet. In a … Read more

Does A CIO Run A Democracy?

Ah, the burdens of leadership rest heavily on your shoulders. As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to collect all of the available data, process it, and then make the best decisions that you can. With a little luck, your decisions will be the right ones most of the time based on … Read more

What CIOs Can Learn From An Upgrade Of Inflight Web Services

Back in the day, airline passengers could be assured that their time in the air meant that they had an excuse to unplug and step away from the constant need to do more and more work. Since they could not be connected to the Internet when they were in flight, they were released from their … Read more

Video: CIO Cloud Computing 101: Why Use The Cloud?

Dr. Jim Anderson tackles the question that all CIO’s are asking: just exactly what is “cloud computing”? Dr. Anderson identifies the 4 different flavors of cloud computing that are available and points out how a CIO would go about using each one of them. Get a free subscription to The Accidental Successful CIO newsletter by … Read more

CIO Cloud Computing 101: Why Use The Cloud?

By Dr. Jim Anderson Does anyone besides me remember the big Furby craze that swept the U.S. in the early ’90’s? People went crazy for these little plush dolls and they started collecting them in hopes that they would one day be valuable. Well, that never happened and a lot of people got stuck with … Read more

CIO Cloud Computing 101: Who Are The Players?

One of the great things about working in the IT field is that whenever things start to get boring, we have the ability to create new buzzwords and make things interesting all over again. The arrival of “Cloud Computing” on the scene a couple of years ago showed that this cycle has not gone away. … Read more