IT Manager Training Workshop Now Available For You!

Blue Elephant Consulting is pleased to announce a new training partnership with OakTree Software. The two firms have teamed up to offer a two-day workshop for IT managers. For the first time, management training that was previously only available to Fortune 100 companies will now be made available to any manager or supervisor who needs … Read more

Why CIOs Who Know How To Slow Down Do Better

As CIO one of your most important jobs is to get as much out of your IT department as is humanly possible. You’d think that that best way to do this would be to always be pushing harder and harder. However, researchers who have been studying this very problem have come up with a different … Read more

How Too Much Acceleration Can Cause CIOs To Crash

We’ve all been there, done that: pushed hard to accomplish some goal. This type of “acceleration” is something that every IT department ends up doing at some point in time or another. As CIO you’ve got to love the results of a “push” like this: everyone works harder and a lot gets accomplished in a … Read more

CIO’s Know To Say “No” To Best Practices

Perhaps just for a moment we can consider the day-to-day activities of any IT department as being a sort of race. Collectively we are all running and trying to move out in front of the IT departments at the firms that our company is competing with. In this type of analogy, the CIO is running … Read more

3 Skills That Most CIOs Are Missing

I’m guessing that you wouldn’t go to work naked. Then why-oh-why are you thinking about eventually becoming a CIO when you don’t have all of the skills that you’ll need to do the job correctly? I’m not sure if this is going to make you feel any better, but it turns out that most CIOs … Read more

Everything A CIO Needs To Know About Desktop Virtualization

Darn that 80/20 rule. CIOs realize that they are spending way too much money just keeping the IT systems that they’ve already deployed up and running. If only this task didn’t cost so much: then they could spend that money on bold new initiatives that would benefit the entire company. One of the most expensive … Read more

IT Savvy: What Does It Mean And Do You Have It?

Every modern company should have an IT department. Every company should have a smoothly running IT department that adds value to everything the company does. I’m betting that most companies have about 50% of what they need – they’ve got an IT department. What’s missing is a way to transform that IT department in to … Read more

The Reason That Innovation Isn’t Happening In Your IT Department

How many times do you have to tell your IT department: it’s time to start innovating again? The global recession is over, if your company is going to start to grow and be successful, then the IT department is going to have to be out in front and leading the charge. Since budgets are still … Read more

How CIOs Can Get Their Department To Change When They Don’t Want To

When you become CIO, one of your main jobs will be to lead the IT department though changes. However, here is where you may run into a problem. Considering how many layoffs, cut backs, and canceled projects most IT departments have had, the last thing that your IT staff really wants is more change. What’s … Read more

The Dark Side Of Cloud Computing

If IT was a game show and you were a contestant on it, right now it sure seems as though you could correctly any question that you were asked by replying “cloud computing”. That’s because cloud computing, basically outsourcing parts of your company’s IT infrastructure and applications, sure seems like a great idea. However, early … Read more