Should The CIO View The CMO As Friend Or Foe?

If there is one fact of life that everyone who has the CIO job has had to learn to deal with, it’s that our IT budgets never seem to be big enough. However, it turns out that there is someone else in the company who does not have the same problem: the CMO. In fact, … Read more

CIOs Need To Make Sure That They Are Ready For Clouds: Both Business And Personal

Quick question: what is the #1 job of a CIO? Hmm, good question, eh? Although this should really be part of the definition of information technology, I’m pretty sure that we could sit around and debate just exactly what is the #1 job of a CIO all day; however, I’m also pretty sure that we … Read more

What To Do When The CIO Works For The CFO

The good folks over at Gartner and the Financial Executives Research Foundation have just completed another one of those big studies. What they found is that in companies that have less than $50M in revenue, 47% of their CIOs report to the company’s CFO. In firms that have $1B or more in revenue, 46% of … Read more

How SaaS Can Turn Into A Nightmare For A CIO

Yea Cloud Computing! Everyone is in the process of falling in love with cloud computing and its sister Software-As-A-Service (SaaS). What CIO wouldn’t love an opportunity to no longer have to buy and pay to maintain computing hardware that was only going to become obsolete overtime (this is almost a part of the definition of … Read more

The Dark Side Of Cloud Computing

If IT was a game show and you were a contestant on it, right now it sure seems as though you could correctly any question that you were asked by replying “cloud computing”. That’s because cloud computing, basically outsourcing parts of your company’s IT infrastructure and applications, sure seems like a great idea. However, early … Read more

Do CIOs (and CEOs) Have Their Heads Stuck In The Cloud?

Ok, enough of this cloud stuff already! The field of IT is just like every other field out there and we have our own share of trendy topics – cloud computing sure seems to the one that we’re dealing with right now. With all of the magazine articles on clouds and conferences going on, you’d … Read more