CIOs Need To Know Why Their Best Young Talent Is Leaving

Let’s say that you’ve built up a great team of IT professionals to run your IT department. They must all be happy and are planning on sticking around for a long time, right? The answer to this question is “no” and there are some very good reasons why your best workers maybe preparing to tell … Read more

Social Media And The CIO – Can We Talk?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — these social media tools seem to be occupying the news every day. If anyone had any doubts about the importance of information technology, the arrival of social media has changed that. If you want to hold on to your CIO job for a very short time, feel free to ignore them … Read more

You’ve Got The Data, Now What CIO?

As CIO, a big part of your job is to help your company realize the importance of information technology and, based on this, help them to both collect and store data. Once you have it, you need to scrub it, maintain it, and protect it. However, has anyone every told you how to do the … Read more

CIOs Need To Help Workers To “Like” Their Jobs More

I’ve got a quick question for you: what’s the most popular site on the web? If you said “Facebook”, then I think that you’d be correct. Almost without exception, each and every person at your company may be visiting this site at least once each day to tell their friends what they’ve been up to. … Read more

CIOs Know That The Speed Of Data Determines The Future Of The Company

The CIO job is to find ways to use IT technology to help his or her company move faster, do more, and in the end make more money. Ultimately this is how we show the importance of information technology. While this is pretty clear, just exactly how to do this, or how to measure how … Read more

The Threat From Within: What CIOs Need To Do To Protect The Company From The IT Department

As CIO the rest of the company is relying on you to keep them safe. They expect you to lead the IT team in defending the corporate castle from hackers and attackers. The importance of information technology requires us to spend time doing this – it’s really part of the CIO job. However, it turns … Read more

CIO’s Need To Learn How To Defend Against The Insider Threat

As a CIO you have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to protect the company’s IT department. You think about hackers, viruses, Trojans, social engineering, and all of the other threats that we find in the modern definition of information technology. You buy firewalls and virus scanners and anything else that is … Read more

What Are The Hot Issues That Today’s CIOs Need To Worry About?

At every company, the CIO has a lot of different things that he or she is expected to be able to accomplish. At the same time, there are many things that are going on in the business environment around them. The entire company realizes the importance of information technology; however, at the end of the … Read more

2 Tips For How CEOs Can Use Social Media To Become Better Leaders

How’s that Facebook account working out for you? Not so good? Well then, are you active in Pininterest? Tumblr? LinkedIn? Man, do you just not get this social media stuff? Most CIOs have at best a love / hate relationship with today’s most popular social media tools. They are smart enough to understand the power … Read more