CIOs Need To Learn How Best To Use Email

CIOs need to learn how to tame their email

Ah, email. What a powerful tool. What an utter nightmare! The person who has the CIO job probably uses email so often that they no longer really spend that much time thinking about it. However, that may be a mistake. What we forget is that email is a tool and if we can learn how … Read more

Big Data Means Big Headaches For CIOs

One of the things that makes having the CIO job different today from how it was in the past, besides the growing awareness of the importance of information technology, is the arrival of so-called “big data”. We’re talking about terabytes or even petabytes of data and all of the headaches that come along with it. … Read more

CIOs Know That The Speed Of Data Determines The Future Of The Company

The CIO job is to find ways to use IT technology to help his or her company move faster, do more, and in the end make more money. Ultimately this is how we show the importance of information technology. While this is pretty clear, just exactly how to do this, or how to measure how … Read more