Are CIOs Ready For The Arrival Of Software Defined Networking (SDN)?

Can we be honest for just a moment? Despite the importance of information technology, the way that all of us are building networks is just a little bit antiquated. We’ve been doing this stuff the same way for a very, very long time. The problem is that we’re still not very good at it. No … Read more

Should CIOs Use Contests To Get The Job Done?

Let’s face it: there are some problems that an IT department faces that despite the importance of information technology are just tough to solve. As the person in the CIO job you’ve got to find solutions to these types of problems, but you also have to manage the time and the cost that it’s going … Read more

CIOs Need To Be On The Lookout For Proprietary Solutions Disguised As Standards

As the person with the CIO job, you are always on the lookout for ways to simplify what the IT department is doing in order to boost the importance of information technology for your company. One way to make this happen is to have the department adopt the use of standards. You would think that … Read more