CIOs Deal With The Problem Of How People Create Passwords

CIOs have to deal with the fact that people are attached to how they create passwords

If you take a look at the long list of things that a modern CIO is responsible for, securing the company’s network is right there at the top. What this actually means is many different things. The importance of information technology requires that firewalls have to be deployed, encryption schemes have to be put in … Read more

CIOs Search For A Way To Make Logging In Easier

Users need help in logging in and staying logged in

Let’s face it, if there is one thing that nobody in the IT department likes to do each day it is log into their computer / app / smart phone. In order to do this successfully, we need to be able to remember any one of a multitude of user names and passwords that seem … Read more

Shopping Mall CIOs Try Out Facial Recognition Software

Shopping mall CIOs want to know more about their customers

So if you were the CIO for a shopping mall, what would you want to know? You’d want to know that all of your servers and networking gear was secure. You’d want to know what the next “big thing” in technology is going to be. You’d also want to know just exactly who your customers … Read more

How IT and Business Can Work Together To Benefit The Customer

IT and business need to work together

CIOs need to ask themselves why should the business and IT collaborate? Perhaps a better question is why wouldn’t they collaborate? We need to understand that business units like sales, marketing, and operations have direct interactions with customers that are enabled or empowered by technology — technology that’s typically managed and deployed by IT. CIOs … Read more