Lab Rats Invade A CIO’s World

I work in the telecommunications field a lot and the gold standard of corporate R&D labs has always been Bell Labs. These guys have created amazing things that we all take for granted today: transistors, fiber optics, etc. Since most firms have no idea about what to do with their corporate research facilities, responsibility for … Read more

The Insider Threat: What CIOs Need To Know

When you think about someone trying to make off with your company’s private data, what comes to mind? Some wily Russian hacker who sneaks into your company’s network through the backdoor? Perhaps you need to update your thinking. A recent report from Cisco revealed that the real threat is coming from insiders. What’s a CIO … Read more

Who Should A CIO’s BFF Be: The CEO or The CFO?

The times they are changing. Let’s take a moment and have a talk about one of a CIO’s key survival skills: the ability to successfully negotiate office politics. Specifically, if you could only have one best friend, who should it be: the CEO or the CFO? Changes In The Workplace The workplace that a CIO … Read more

Can CIOs Drive Innovation & Boost Quality At The Same Time?

How are you at walking and chewing gum at the same time? It’s sorta a classic challenge – do two different things simultaneously and do them well. CIOs are facing the challenge today – cut costs and simultaneously use IT to make the business more competitive. How hard can that be? Say Hello To Six … Read more

You Don’t Do A Good Job At Multitasking CIO, Get Over It

Too little time, too much to do. Does that adequately describe your CIO job? I don’t know about you, but often is the time that I’ve looked with envy at my peers who are great multitaskers and wished that I could be more like them. It turns out that I was wishing for the wrong … Read more

Has The Glory Gone Out Of Working In IT?

Why did you decide to go to work in the IT field? I can really only speak for myself, but there was a bit of glamour to the IT field when I entered it. Everything seemed to be so shiny and new and change was happening so fast that you just knew that this was … Read more

A Mentor Network Is What You Need To Become A CIO

I’ve got a quick question for you: what is the next step in your career? What do you want to get promoted to? In fact, as long as we are talking about that, what comes after THAT promotion? If you want to become a CIO, then career ladder generally goes: IT worker, manager, director, executive … Read more

CIOs Need Smart Storage, Not More Storage

With a little luck we can all agree that storage is a boring topic to talk about – I mean when you store something, it’s just sitting there not doing anything. CIOs prefer to talk about data in motion – reporting new sales or opening new markets. However, it turns out that storing data is … Read more

4 Innovation Strategies That Actually Work

Innovation, innovation, innovation – everyone wants it, but nobody seems know know how to get and keep it. CIOs are under a lot of pressure to do more with less these days and being able to nurture an environment of innovation sure would help. The trick is HOW to do this… The Problem With Innovation … Read more

HP Can’t Pay Its Salespeople – Another CIO Failure?

Being a salesperson is a hard job. More often than not they live from quarter to quarter and if you don’t make your numbers, then you end up getting shown to the door. Hewlett-Packard is a huge IT products and services company that lives and dies by the actions of its sales teams. Making sure … Read more