Has The Glory Gone Out Of Working In IT?

Why did you decide to go to work in the IT field? I can really only speak for myself, but there was a bit of glamour to the IT field when I entered it. Everything seemed to be so shiny and new and change was happening so fast that you just knew that this was … Read more

Can HP Survive? Do They Have The Secret CIO “Juice”?

HP’s CIO Randy Mott has done some fantastic things in helping to turn the company around. However, now things are starting to get tricky and it’s not clear that the company is going to be able to continue to be successful. Everyone seems to think that what they need is a shot of that “innovation … Read more

CIO Lessons From A Mouse

Robert Iger is the CEO of the Walt Disney Company. You know, the guys with the mouse. When you are in charge of a company that is that big, and that diverse, you need to have a special set of skills to keep everything together. Iger has a lot to teach CIOs who want to … Read more