5 Tips For CIOs Who Have To Fire Employees

Because of the importance of information technology some people believe that being a CIO is a glamorous job. However, these people don’t know about all of the complicated personnel related issues that CIOs have to deal with. One such issue is rather unpleasant – the firing of IT department employees. Sometimes it has to be … Read more

The Nasdaq Outage: Was It The CIO’s Fault?

Not sure if you’ve heard about this one, but on Thursday, August 22, 2013, the American Nasdaq stock exchange was shut down for three hours because of a communication problem. Investigators are still trying to understand exactly what happened; however, we should probably asking ourselves if this problem was caused by the Nasdaq’s CIO? The … Read more

Why NoSQL Is The Wrong Choice For A CIO — Sometimes

If you were to create a list of the buzz words that are filtering through the world of IT right now, “noSQL” would have to be at the top of your list when you are talking about the importance of information technology. CIOs everywhere have decided that they’ve had enough of traditional databases and the … Read more

CIOs Need To Stop Their Teams From Writing Bad Code

A big change is starting to happen in the world of IT. Just a few years ago, IT shops everywhere were busy trying to outsource just about every task that they could put their hands on. What’s happened since then is that CIOs have realized importance of information technology and that the ability to create … Read more

7 Ways To Rebuild An IT Department After A Global Recession

Ugg, nobody likes a global recession especially those of us who have the CIO job. However, now that it appears to pretty much be over, the big question is just exactly how are we supposed to go about rebuilding the IT department. Bad things happened during the recession and everyone in the IT department knows … Read more

How CIOs Can Ace Giving Interviews

One of the most important jobs that CIOs do which is an even bigger deal these days given the importance of information technology, is to interview candidates who would like to join their IT department. As important as this job is, very few of us have ever been trained on how to properly conduct an … Read more

How CIOs Can Prepare For The Arrival Of Semantic Databases

By now I hope that we’re all aware that Big Data has arrived in everyone’s IT department. As CIOs struggle to determine how best store this tsunami of data, they are facing an even bigger question that begs to be answered: how are they going to manage the data in a way that will allow … Read more