Just Exactly What Should A CIO Do During Their First 100 Days?

CIOs need to go into their first 100 days on the job with a plan

Being a CIO is an exciting job. Starting a new CIO job can be both exciting and just a little bit daunting. When the person with the CIO job gets ready to start a new job, they need to make sure that they are going in with a clear plan. Hitting the ground running can … Read more

How CIOs Can Help Their Company To Set The Right Price

In order for your company to be successful, they need to sell their product or service to the right customer at the right price. It turns out that this may be more difficult than you think. Here in the 21st Century, determining what the right price for a product is requires a great deal of … Read more

7 Ways To Rebuild An IT Department After A Global Recession

Ugg, nobody likes a global recession especially those of us who have the CIO job. However, now that it appears to pretty much be over, the big question is just exactly how are we supposed to go about rebuilding the IT department. Bad things happened during the recession and everyone in the IT department knows … Read more

CIO vs. CFO: Who’s Going To Win This Battle?

When you become CIO you are going to discover one of the realities of IT life: you are not in complete control of the IT department. Rather, you are in charge of determining how to spend the money that the company allocates to IT. It turns out that how and how much money gets allocated … Read more

Are CIOs Looking Down When They Should Be Looking Up?

Rob Preston over at Information Week was talking about some interesting CIO studies that were done recently and what they show is that it looks like CIOs are not spending their time where they should be. As the U.S. (and the rest of the world!) sufferers through a financial downturn, you’d think that everyone would … Read more