How CIOs Can Build IT Departments That Are Money Makers

CIOs have since the beginning of time struggled to get the respect that the other C-level executives get. One of the big reasons that it can be so hard to get the IT department to be viewed by the rest of the company as being valuable is because all too often, despite the importance of … Read more

New Book: Managing Your CIO Career: Steps That CIOs Have To Take In Order To Have A Long And Successful Career

In today’s fast-paced Information Technology (IT) field, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are being asked to do more than ever. No longer is it enough to just make sure that the company’s various servers and email systems are up and operating correctly, now CIOs have to play a role in setting the company’s overall strategic direction. … Read more

The 7 Stages Of Big Data Analytics That Every CIO Needs To Know About

CIOs have always had to find ways to deal with data. Collecting it, storing it, processing it, and eventually archiving it. The arrival of the era of Big Data has almost overnight turned what was already a challenging task into a nearly impossible task. Everyone in the company understands the importance of information technology and … Read more

6 Ways A CIO Can Shake Everything Up

Sometimes you just have to change everything. When you get the CIO job great things are going to be expected of you. Everyone understands the importance of information technology and so they are going to be looking at you with the assumption that you have all of the answers. Of course you don’t, but you … Read more

CIOs And The Problem With Food Stamps

I’m hoping that you are not familiar with the U.S. food stamp program. This is a government funded program that provides people who are living below the poverty line with money that can only be spent on food. Clearly it’s a critical program that demonstrates the importance of information technology and the people who are … Read more

CIO Lessons From The Rollout Of The U.S. Healthcare Software

As CIOs we can always be learning about the importance of information technology by watching what other IT organizations are doing. A fantastic opportunity has just shown up in the U.S. As part of the Obamacare overhaul of how healthcare is provided to U.S. citizens, a new web site has been set up to allow … Read more

How CIOs Deal With Digital Disruptions

Life is full of changes and that is one of the things that makes having the CIO job both so exciting and so challenging. As we spend our time looking inside of our company for ways to make it both more competitive and more efficient, the outside world continues to change at a rapid pace. … Read more

5 Things That A CIO Needs To Know About Risk

How much time every day do you spend thinking about risk? No matter what your answer was, I’m willing to bet that considering the importance of information technology you are not spending enough time on this important subject. Every person who has the CIO job knows that there are risks all around us each and … Read more

4 Tips For Staying CIO Once You Become The CIO

Becoming a CIO is a difficult thing to do. It turns out that staying CIO once you reach this lofty position is also very hard to do. Recent market studies have revealed that the average length of time that a CIO holds on to his or her office is 5 years and four months! If … Read more