Questions You Need To Ask About Your Next CIO Job

Asking the correct questions is what you need to do get the right job

As CIOs we will eventually go looking for our next CIO job. When we do this, we need to be prepared to answer plenty of questions on various technology, business and personal topics. However, before any employment meeting ends, it’s always a good idea for you to toss a few probing questions back to the … Read more

How Do You Get The CIO Job?

What are the steps that it takes to become CIO?

The CIO job is the one that everyone in the IT department eventually wants to get. It can be a real challenge to line up an interview for this position and even more of a challenge to get selected for it. What everyone wants to know is what they need to be doing in order … Read more

4 Ways For CIOs To Do A Better Job Of Interviewing

The person who has the CIO job (you) has a huge responsibility that is even bigger than the importance of information technology is to your company – you need to make sure that the right people are attracted to your IT department and that you hire the best of the best. The only problem with … Read more