Are You Ready For Big Data?

CIOs need to find a way to solve the shortage of skilled security workers

All CIOs have heard about big data by now: the Tsunami of data that is washing over every company and the struggle that they have to collect it, store it, and then process it in order to create actionable information. As a CIO, when we think about big data we are faced with a number … Read more

Are CIOs Ready To Deal With Hackers?

Hackers pose a serious threat to CIOs, are CIOs ready?

As CIOs, every day is busy. We’ve got a lot of different things going on that have to do with the importance of information technology and it can be very challenging to try to get everything done. That’s why when it comes to hackers, we are aware of the problem but we may not be … Read more

Why Can’t Your IT Department Be More Like Apple?

Why can't your IT department have all of the qualities of Apple?

As the person with the CIO job, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the company’s IT department understand the importance of information technology and is able to meet the needs of the rest of the company. There are actually several different ways to go about doing this. You can be the “slow and steady” … Read more

Is An Open Office The Right Solution For Your IT Department?

An Open Office removes walls, but does it create too much noise?

Can you remember the day when if you wanted to talk with your boss you would go walking down the hall to his or her office? You’d knock on the door, get called in, enter and perhaps shut the door behind you. Well guess what – those days are just about over. Welcome to the … Read more

How A Streaming Music CIO Plans On Turning Things Around

Pandora's CIO has plans to stop its loss in users

Having the CIO job at Pandora would put you right in the middle of a busy and challenging market. Streaming music is very hot right now and there are a lot of different companies that are involved in the market. This all means that there is a lot of competition. Pandora is one of those … Read more

CIOs Want To Run Their IT Department Like Adobe

Adobe has a satisfied workforce, how can CIOs have the same thing?

Being the person with the CIO job is hard work. You try and you try and you try to do a good job but it always seems like you are somehow falling further and further behind. There is so much work to do in regards to the importance of information technology that you only dream … Read more

How CIOs Are Using Algorithms To Tell People What To Do

Algorithms can sometimes make better decisions than people can

As the person with the CIO job, one of your main tasks is to assign work to the various people who work for you. As the number of people grows and the amount of work that has to be done seems to get even larger, this task that once upon a time appeared to be … Read more

CIOs Help Banks Prepare For The End Of The World

CIOs have to be able to anticipate the worst

CIOs at banks have a great deal to worry about. Simply because their companies have so much valuable data and money, the bad guys are always trying to break in and steal things. As though this wasn’t bad enough, every bank is connected to every other bank. What this means is that if something bad … Read more

What Are The 5 Skills It Takes To Be A Successful CIO?

It takes talent and these 5 skills to be a successful CIO

So CIO, are you a good manager? I suspect that most of us think that we are. However, over at the Gallop company they have just completed a survey of managers. What they discovered is that only one in 10 people actually possesses the talent to manage others. Ouch! This magical 10 percent who have … Read more

Security Breech At The SEC Causes A Headache For Their CIO

The SEC Wants To Check On Every Trade – Is This Safe To Do?

Let’s face it, when it comes to money, people can quickly become very greedy. When you take a look at institutions like the American stock market, the potential for people to do a large number of things that they really should not do becomes very large. In order to keep things under control and make … Read more