What Does Your Workplace Say About Your IT Department?

Does your IT office make people want to come to work?

One of the most challenging jobs that the person in the CIO position has to deal with is trying to recruit the best workers. In addition to the importance of information technology, there are a number of different things that can cause a young person just out of college to decide to either join your … Read more

Just Exactly How Much Of A Risk Are Hacks?

Hackers are coming. Will you be ready?

Based on what we’ve all be reading in the newspaper and seeing online, I think that it’s pretty clear that anyone who is aware of the importance of information technology knows that Cybersecurity is a big priority for the person with the CIO job. The number of hacks of companies has been on the rise … Read more

How Can CIOs Become More Successful?

It turns out that what time of day we work to become more successful matters

I would like to be more successful. Would you? I think that there are several points during the year that we all have the realization that we’d like to be able to accomplish more based on the importance of information technology than we are currently able to do. When one of these times swings around, … Read more

What’s Preventing You From Becoming A Better CIO?

CIOs need to learn to listen to what their employees are trying to tell them

Hopefully we’d all like to become better CIOs. This is a great goal, the challenge that most of us are facing is that it just is not clear exactly what we need to do in order to make this happen. The good news is that researchers have been talking to the people that work for … Read more

CIOs Need To Learn How Best To Use Email

CIOs need to learn how to tame their email

Ah, email. What a powerful tool. What an utter nightmare! The person who has the CIO job probably uses email so often that they no longer really spend that much time thinking about it. However, that may be a mistake. What we forget is that email is a tool and if we can learn how … Read more

Just How Important Are Good Managers?

CIOs need to make sure that they have the best managers working for them

Having the CIO job is tough. Because of the importance of information technology, the company expects you to be able to accomplish a great deal. The world in which you work, IT, is constantly changing and it can be quite difficult to keep up with everything that is going on. This is why you need … Read more

How CIOs Can Do A Good Job Of Delivering Bad News

One of the jobs of a CIO is to be able to deliver bad newsOne of the jobs of a CIO is to be able to deliver bad news

Let’s face it, as CIOs we’d all like to be liked. We enjoy the parts of our job that are fun and which have to do with the importance of information technology. It makes us happy when another large IT project is successfully rolled out. However, life is life and part of our job is … Read more

What Can CIOs Do When The Cloud Isn’t Fast Enough?

Computing at the edge changes everything

The world in which we live is currently changing. Over the past few years, as the importance of information technology has grown, the internet has become a bigger and more important part of both our personal and professional lives. Every IT department makes extensive use of the internet these days to run apps, handle storage, … Read more

CIOs Want To Know: What’s Coming Next In Technology?

CIOs would like to be able to predict the coming wave of technologies

If a the person with the CIO job could have a super power, what would be the best one to have? The ability to fly and avoid all of those lines at the airport? The ability to see through walls and find the people that you are looking to talk with? These would all be … Read more

How CIOs Can Solve Really Big Problems

Big problems require a special type of problem solving

As CIOs we are faced with a complete set of problems that we need to solve. These can be small, simple problems that we can solve just by thinking about them for a moment and then telling someone what to do in order to solve them or they can be the really big problems that … Read more