How CIOs Are Using Algorithms To Tell People What To Do

Algorithms can sometimes make better decisions than people can

As the person with the CIO job, one of your main tasks is to assign work to the various people who work for you. As the number of people grows and the amount of work that has to be done seems to get even larger, this task that once upon a time appeared to be … Read more

CIOs Are Racing To Deal With The Next Big Security Threat: Quantum Computing

Quantum computing may allow unstoppable future attacks on corporate networks

One of the most important jobs that the person with the CIO job has is to keep the company’s networks and data secure because of the importance of information technology. This means that they are responsible for implementing systems and procedures that will keep the bad guys out. We purchase and implement products that require … Read more

How Can CIOs Help Their Companies Use Algorithms To Set Prices?

The reason that the IT department exists is to provide assistance to the rest of the company. A great deal of this assistance consists of background tasks such as keeping the email system running, setting up new servers, and protecting the company’s networks from hackers. However, there is another side to what the IT department … Read more