Why Aren’t Our Networks Staying Up?

Does anyone besides me remember the phone system? You could be just about anywhere in the world at any time and you could pick up a phone, call someone, and your call would go right through. The Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) just worked. Now nothing is ever perfect and the POTS wasn’t perfect either, … Read more

What To Do When Your Boss Is Younger Than You Are

What have you always pictured your boss looking like? If you are anything like me, you’ve always pictured them as a grumpy old man. Or a grumpy old woman if you want to get all modern. However, there is one thing that I’ve never really pictured my boss as being – younger than I am! … Read more

What Role Does A CIO Play When Companies Merge?

The person with CIO job faces many different challenges during their career. One of the biggest is one that is completely out of their control – when their company decides to merge with another company. When companies decide to merge, the senior management often make many promises to the press and shareholders of how much … Read more

Are CIOs Ready For The Arrival Of Software Defined Networking (SDN)?

Can we be honest for just a moment? Despite the importance of information technology, the way that all of us are building networks is just a little bit antiquated. We’ve been doing this stuff the same way for a very, very long time. The problem is that we’re still not very good at it. No … Read more