How CIOs Can Build Human Networks
CIOs need to realize that even in a world with Covid-19 they need to be working to develop their human networks
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Become A Successful CIO
CIOs need to realize that even in a world with Covid-19 they need to be working to develop their human networks
Think about the car that you are currently driving. What components go into it? If you guessed metal, glass, and plastic then you would be correct – but you would have missed one key ingredient. Software. More and more the cars that we drive are being controlled and run by software. The problem is that … Read more
Due to the importance of information technology, CIOs are in charge of an IT department that works on many different things. As much as we’d all like to think that we are balanced – we care about all things having to do with IT equally, it’s just not true. Depending on your background before you … Read more