W.W.C.R.M.D? (What Would CIO Randy Mott Do?)

You wouldn’t think that a CIO who just got fired from his job at HP would have a lot to teach us about IT strategy, but that’s where you’d be wrong. Randy Mott is a CIO who has been around the block a few times. He’s worked for Wal-Mart, Dell, and he was CIO at … Read more

It Turns Out That Top-Down Decisions Are What CIOs Need To Make

What’s Wrong With The Way That We Schedule IT Projects? At the end of the day, an IT department is simply a collection of projects. Some of these projects are short lived (“we’ve got an outage!”) and some are much longer (“let’s install a new ERP solution”). However, it turns out that today’s CIOs have … Read more

It Takes A Strategic Execution Officer To Get Anything Done Around Here

We all dream of the day that we will get the nod to become CIO — finally we will have arrived. Or will we have? Take just a moment and think about all of those major projects that you’ve see during your career that started out with a bang and ended up failing and going … Read more

Application Whitelisting Only Works Sometimes – CIOs Need To Know The Facts

It’s a battle out there: hackers and organized crime groups vs. your company. Whereas you have to worry about keeping the company successful and lowering costs, all they have to worry about is finding ways to break into your network. Doesn’t seem very fair, does it? There is some good news for CIOs: application whitelisting … Read more

Data Protection Secrets: CIOs Know That It Starts At The Endpoint

Just imagine this scenario: you’ve just been made CIO of your firm when all of a sudden one of your competitors suffers a massive data loss because of outside hackers. Your CEO storms into your brand-new office and demands to know what you are doing to secure your firm’s data. What would you say? The … Read more

Security Policies Are What CIOs Know Make Good Security Solutions

What does it take to do a really good job of securing your company’s systems and data? Is it just a matter of picking and implementing the right software or hardware solution? Is there a consulting firm that you can pay millions to who will come in and take care of this problem once and … Read more

Unified Communications Is An Opportunity For CIOs To Show Their Value

The role of a CIO in any organization is to find ways to enable the company to be more successful. This can include introducing new products quicker, reacting to changes in the marketplace faster, or even lowering the cost of doing business. Underlying all of these different ways to assist the business there is one … Read more

3 Ways To Bring Business And IT Together

In the end, it all comes down to execution. No, not chopping heads off, but rather how you go about having your IT department perform the tasks that the business needs them to do. How hard could this possibly be? What’s The Goal? The power term “alignment” is tossed around a lot these days. I … Read more